The Timeless Works of Martha Graham.
Lene van Alten
This year, Holland Dance Festival and Stadsschouwburg
Amsterdam have welcomed back the Martha Graham Dance Company to the
Netherlands. Martha Graham was one of the most iconic and influential
dancers/choreographers in the 20th century. She is called the founder of
American Modern Dance.
To celebrate her legacy the program existed out of the
political piece: Chronicles (1936), her last work: Maple Leaf Rag (1990), a
re-imagined solo: Ekstasis (1933) and a view of American choreographers on
Lamentation (variations 2007).
The whole performance was spectacular. I went in with
high expectations but they managed to rise above them. You have to imagine the
time when Chronicles was first performed. A war ready to start and strong woman
dancing on bare feet, telling a story about war. All the movements seemed to
have such great meaning. The emotional power in simple movements was the most
impressive thing.
To see choreographers from now give new life to the
old works of Graham was amazing. It is like a preview on how a company could survive
without its creator. They showed three modest but strong variations of
Lamentation and it gave a nice picture of what the future of the company could
look like.
The Graham dancers performed so well. Their movement
quality was extraordinary. They are able to do very difficult movement (without
is seeming to be difficult) and then giving it meaning with the underlying
emotions. Ekstasis gives a great example of a Graham piece with great quality
on beautiful music and purity in the emotions.
In Maple Leaf Rag Graham intended it to be not too
serious. She played with her own iconic movements in a way that it was not exaggerated
which made it a very light and enjoyable piece. She made fun of herself,
looking back on her life and apparently that is a great formula for a last piece
you’ll ever make.
Overall it was a phenomenal performance. Martha’s works
have proven to be legendary and timeless. If you ever get the
chance watch to the company perform I would really recommend you go.
Date,theater: 13/feb/2018, Amsterdam Stadsschouwburg. Company: Martha Graham Dance Company. Main Choreographer: Martha Graham. Lamentation Variations: various choreographers.