LeineRoebana : ''Ghost Track''
Date: 21-11-2013
Place: Schouwburg Arnhem
This was the first time I went to a performance of LeineRoebana. I already heard some things about this company and it was actually pretty similar to what I had in mind (in terms of the style and the sort of movements of a company). This piece was mainly choreographed by Harijono Roebana, at least the concept is from Roebana, because he has an Indonesian background.
The most interesting thing about the piece for me was the music they used. The way the music played with the dancers was amazing. There was a live Indonesian band who constantly made sounds. I got the feeling that the music was way more important than the dancers. Music was really overwhelming. Probably also because I think this music is rare in The Netherlands.
Also there was use of voice. There was one male dancer who could sing. I loved his voice, and he sung while dancing and his voice stayed well tuned. This was awesome, because I know it is really hard to dance and sing at the same time. So I could really appreciate what he did at that moment. This was for me a big plus.
Something new.
Movement wise it was also really interesting. They mixed the LeineRoebana style with a dance style from Indonesia. It looked like a fighting style, with slow and controlled movements. This style got me interested and kept my attention during almost the whole piece. But I must say that at a certain point it started to get to much of the same. I felt that I had seen enough. ''Ghost Track'' would have done better if it wasn't that long. I stayed really interested because other things might happen. I think that I would have liked a big climax. Because I started to get in this kind of flow. And it didn't become bigger or faster. That made the piece strong, but if you do this to long I will lose my attention a bit.
After saying this I must say that the whole picture of decoration, music, dance and of course the dancers was perfectly set. It gave me the feeling of being somewhere completely else. In another world, another country. So my credits for this.
My big conclusion of ''Ghost Track'' would be that it was a great performance. I gained a lot of inspiration after seeing this. It was interesting to see how they worked with different aspects, such as the mix between two types/styles of dancing, and of course: the way they combine this kind of music with the way the move. The dancers performed this piece very well.
In the video below you can get an impression of ''Ghost Track''.
In the video below you can get an impression of ''Ghost Track''.
If you want to have an interesting evening with good music and good dancers, you should watch this performance live.
Review written by : Enrico Meijer
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